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最后更新: 2017-07-28 01:51

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


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是否有现货: 认证: ISO9001.ISO14001
品牌: Gd 电容 样式: 焊针式
结构: 固定电容器 包装方式: 箱装
工作电压: 100V 型号: 牛角型电容
规格: HP1000UF100V尺寸22X30 商标: Gd 电容
包装: 箱装 产量: 999999999999999999


主营125度电容、105℃电容、85℃电容、高压电解电容、高频低阻抗电解电容、低漏电电解电容、节能灯电容、无极性100V47uF、63V100uF、63V220uF电容,5000小时、8000小时、10000小时、20000小时等 长寿命电容、大容量电解电容、滤波电容、牛角电容、450V1000uF电解电容、450V25uF电解电容、450V100uF电解电容、450V电解电容等高品质全系列电容器:0.1uF-680000uF/4V-450V电解电容

NPH series Non-Polarized+105℃wide temperature range standard无极性+105℃宽温度品 
  1.  适用于极性反转回路,例如:信号交连或HI-FI高级音响设备如喇叭等。   NP series capacitors are suitable for crossover network for HI-FI equipment’s and speakers,etc.   
2.具容量误差小,频率响应高之特质。   Have excellent frequency characteristic and small deviation of Capacitance.   Specifications   No.  Item  Performance   
1  使用温度范围   Operating Temperature Range  -40℃to+105℃  
 2  定格电压范围   Rated Working Voltage Range  6.3-100V.DC  
 3  静电容量范围   Capacitance Tolerance  0.1-2200μF  
 4  静电容量容许差   Capacitance Tolerance  ±20%(at+25℃,120Hz)
 5  泄漏电流   Leakage Current  I≤0.03CV or 3(μA)after five minutes  
 6  损失角   Dissipation Factor(tanδ)(120Hz\+25℃)     Working Voltage(v)  6.3  10  16  25  35  50  63  100   tanδmax.  0.25  0.25  0.20  0.15  0.15  0.13  0.10  0.12 


No. Item Performance
1 使用温度范围Operating Temperature Range -40℃to +105℃  
2 定格电压范围   ated Working Voltage Range   6.3-100V.DC
3 静电容量范围   Capacitance Tolerance 0.1-2200µF
4 静电容量容许差   Capacitance Tolerance ±20% (at+25℃,120Hz)
5 泄漏电流Leakage Current I≤0.03CV or 3(µA)after five minutes
6 损失角Dissipation Factor(tanδ) (120Hz\+25℃)
Working Voltage(v) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100
tanδ     max. 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.13 0.10 0.12
7 温度特性(at  120  Hz)Characteristics at low temperature (stability at 120Hz)
Working Voltage (V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100
-25℃/+20℃ 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
-40/℃+20℃ 8 6 4 4 3 3 3 3
8 高温负荷特性High Temperature Loading After2000 hrs. application of DC rated working voltage at +105℃.The capacitor shall meet the following limits:Post test requirements at + 25℃
Leakage current ≤the Initial specified value
Capacitance change ≤±20 % of initial measured value
Dissipation Factor(tanδ) ≤200% of initial specified value
9 高温无负荷特性Shelf Life After storage for 1000hrs. at+105℃with no voltage applied.Post test requirements at+25℃Same limits for high temperature lading.



